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Celebrate the Bond of Siblings with Kintree on National Siblings Day

By |Published On: December 12, 2024|Views: 22|1.3 min read|

National Siblings Day, celebrated annually on 10th April, is a wonderful occasion to honour the unique and irreplaceable bond we share with our brothers and sisters. These special companions are often our confidants, our partners in crime, and the ones who hold a treasure trove of shared memories.

This Siblings Day, why not embark on a journey of rediscovering your family story together? Kintree, the user-friendly family tree maker app, provides the perfect platform to:

  • Build Your Family Tree: Collaborate with your siblings to add members, photos, and stories to your Kintree tree. Uncover forgotten memories and create a lasting legacy for future generations.
  • Share Family Photos: Upload cherished photographs featuring you and your siblings throughout the years. Kintree allows you to caption and tag photos, creating a visual tapestry of your family history.
  • Explore Your Genealogy: Delve deeper into your family’s roots with Kintree’s integration with Kinwill & DNA testing services. Uncover shared ancestry and discover new branches of your family tree you never knew existed.

Unforgettable Adventures with Cousins

Looking to create new memories with your siblings and extended family? 

Check out our blog post “Exploring India with Cousins: 10 Best Weekend Getaways” for exciting ideas for your next family adventure!

National Siblings Day is a time to celebrate the laughter, the tears, and the unwavering support we receive from our siblings. 

With Kintree, you can strengthen these bonds and embark on a captivating journey of family discovery together. Download the Kintree app (available for iOS and Android) today and start building your family tree!

Happy National Siblings Day!

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