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Family Tree – The Key to Understanding Relationships

By |Published On: September 6, 2023|Views: 25|2.7 min read|

Families are the ones who support each other through the ups and downs of life. However, family relationships are something we have all struggled to remember. Family dynamics are complex and difficult to understand sometimes.

They are the basis on which children view themselves in the family, and this experience impacts their choices as adults, which can be their lifestyle, career choices, and even how they handle conflict. It is necessary to identify their common ancestor to determine the relationship between two people. It could be a parent, grandparent, or great-grandparent. This exercise can further help you visualize your relationships. Thus, knowing your family members can be helpful for you as well as your children.

The easiest way to determine how two individuals are related is by making a family tree. A family tree is a chart representing various generations of families and how they are linked. It is a visual representation of how close you are to a family member.

Making an extended family tree on Kintree is relatively easy. All you have to do is, download the app from Play Store / App Store and create your free account. After successfully making the account, head over to the family tree section. Once you are in the family tree section, click on the add member button. You will get an add member form. Fill in the details and click on Save. The family members will get added to your tree, and you will get their login details. Share these details with your family members, and that’s it. Now all they have to do is, download the app and log into their account.

Also Read – Kintree – A Private Social Network for Family

When on Kintree, every family member will have their own profile where they can digitally preserve their precious stories, photos, records, and memories from the past. Safeguarding family memories is an essential aspect of continuing your legacy. By digitally preserving your culture, background, and traditions, you play a pivotal role in enlightening future generations about their origins.

Once you create your family tree chart and they are on the platform, you can connect with all your family members from wherever you are. Upload a post or share pictures and videos with all your relatives in one go.

We are sure that the next time someone asks your kids how are they related to them, they can confidently answer them. Thanks to Kintree, your kids will find it easy to understand the family dynamics.

Download the Kintree app, build your extended family tree, connect with family, and make the most of your time with them.

In a world where family ties are often lost in the complexities of modern life, Kintree serves as a bridge to connect generations, helping us rediscover the bonds that shape our identities. By creating an extended family tree on Kintree, you not only unravel the intricate web of relationships but also pave the way for stronger connections with your loved ones. It’s a digital legacy that preserves your family’s rich tapestry for generations to come. So, take the first step in this journey of rediscovery, download the Kintree app, and embark on a path of closer, more meaningful relationships with your family.

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